Tuesday, March 22, 2011

CFI Blog # 6 Transfering Student

Accepting a new student from another instructor
      Picking up a new student from another instructor, I would look for information in the students folder that would indicate what the student is having trouble with and what the student is doing good on.  I would look over what lessons the student has completed, and how well the previous instructor has rated the student on individual maneuvers. If the instructor was rating ground reference maneuvers as 4 and 5 while giving landings 2s and 1s I would have a good idea what I will most likely need to focus on. I cups also review any worksheets the student has completed to figure out where their weak points are and their strong points.
     I would ask the previous instructor what they think the student has had trouble on and what needs more emphasis. I would also ask what the previous instructor has tried to teach the student these trouble areas. I would also ask the student what they have had trouble with to see what they think are their problem areas. This would give a good indication what they think they are understanding and what the student focus on.
     To figure out where the student is on ground instruction I would also ask the student and the instructor what they think but I would also go a ground lesson  to cover many major areas of discussion such as aerodynamics, systems, aeromedical factors, regulations, and other areas.  By discussing these I can determine where the student lacks knowledge and where the student shows interest. When doing this I can get a feel for how the student answers and retains information, whether they prefer to use drawings or describe the answer. I would also be able to determine what areas the student is proficient in and probably do not need to continue discussion in that area and can move on to something else.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

CFI Blog # 5 Landing Trouble

Student on a Learning Plateau
     Having a student who is having trouble with landings and only have one lesson before their stage one check, there are a variety of techniques that I might try to help them get over their learning plateau.  The first thing I would likely try is to find an more experienced instructor to help them on this lesson.  i currently have a low level of teaching experience, and the student needs more than I can give them. I am not giving up, but I have a responsibility to make sure the student is progressing and that i am not wasting their money.  In my training experience there were times when I would have trouble with a maneuver and as hard as my instructor tried, I never made much progress. my instructor sent me flying with another instructor who was able to explain what I was doing wring in a different way.  This new explanation just clicked in my head, and I was able to do the maneuver, the other instructor and I then explained what happened to my normal instructor, and gave him new teaching ideas.
     Other ideas I might try are breaking down each step of the landing, or having the student study the standardization manual until they can explain what is going on en each step.  These are both techniques that I used when having trouble with maneuvers.  Review flights and sim training would also be a way to try to get the student over this plateau, however I would not want to waist the students money, and would not do more than four or five review flights.  In the event that the student had to have the "aviation is not your you" talk I would want a second or even third opinion.  Though I would be much more willing to tell them that we are not compatible and they should try a different, more experienced instructor.  I think it is important to give the student every available chance to learn before going down that road.