Monday, February 7, 2011

CFI Blog # 4 Visualization, Mastering the Landing, Training Future Captains

     My favorite part of this article is wen is says that out bodies can not tell the difference between real experiences and vivid imagination.  remembering this will encourage me to have my students chair fly.  it can save them time and money, and allows them to practice all the time.  this can help students develop the visual pictures they need to fly.

Mastering the Landing
     I think the most important thing i took away from this lesson is that landings are one of the things that comes with practice.  Reminding my students this can ensure them that they will eventually get the handle on landings.  They can take a lot of practice and some students take longer than others, reminding them that it will eventually click can keep them from getting discouraged.

Training Future Captains
     I liked the part that said pilots should be trained to be captions from the beginning.  It puts an emphasis on good decision making and management skills.  I also like when it said that captains are not there to teach the copilot and that the copilot is a qualified professional.  I think it would be hard for a new copilot not to view the captain as a teacher because the captain would have a lot more experience.